Mercy Aigbe daughter, Michelle shares adult looking pictures as she celebrates 20th birthday today

Daughter to popular Nollywood actress, Mercy Aigbe, Michelle has stamped the fact that indeed she is 20 today with exquisite adult or mature looking pictures.

She did not just share the pictures to prove that as she emphasised the fact that she is indeed a grown girl now with her caption which reads, “Big 20!!”

Her caption in its entirety was precise and simple, it reads, ‘Big 20!! Happy Birthday To Me.’

In the pictures she shared, Michelle rocked a grey coloured silky gown, a gold styled hair and a white handbag to complete it.

She took to her Instagram which boasts of over one million followers to share three photos of herself rocking what was described in the above paragraph.

See the photos below;

Her Instagram post has swiftly garnered over two thousand comments in just 2 hours and top celebrities could be seen in the comments section wishing her on her new age.

The post Mercy Aigbe daughter, Michelle shares adult looking pictures as she celebrates 20th birthday today appeared first on Kemi Filani News.


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